Romanian Household Energy Bills To Remain Unchanged For Now – Econ Min
"Despite all warnings that we were to face successive price hikes, prices remain unchanged both for electric power and natural gas. Even with the most severe drought in the last decades, we still kept electricity prices unchanged and we have no reason to believe they will increase in the upcoming period," Vosganian said.
Vosganian added gas prices will not be increased before resources are ensured to protect household consumers.
"Our duty as a government is to limit these vulnerabilities as much as we can," he said.
He added these measures are not “populist”, as the budget deficit was not affected by the fact tat energy prices were kept unchanged.
Romania imports gas exclusively from Russia at $310-315/1,000 cubic meters.
Gas from the domestic production currently costs RON470/1,000 cubic meters, and is being adjusted to European Union prices.
Romania’s two large gas distributors Distrigaz Sud, owned by Gaz de France, and E.ON Gaz Romania, said end last year prices should increase in 2008 following higher import prices and Romania’s commitments to align its prices with the EU.