Speaking at a ceremony marking the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the Romanian chief of cabinet said that promoting the fight against anti-Semitism was one of the main themes of her country’s EU Council presidency.
“The prevention of repeating such a tragedy must stay a major concern of the entire international community and I say this not only from the national perspective of the Government I lead, but also from the perspective of the EU Council presidency. We are unfortunately witnessing a worrying rise of anti-Semitism in Europe and worldwide, and the recent attacks against the churches and environments of this community is a phenomenon against which we must fight with immediate and efficient measures,” Dancila said at the ceremony.
The prime minister also said that Romania supports the inclusion in educational programs of the problems face by the Romani people during World War II, including genocide and deportation.
Dancila concluded by saying that education is the only way through which any attempts to incite to anti-Semitism, xenophobia and intolerance, as well as attempts to deny the Holocaust.
The International Holocaust Remembrance Day is observed yearly on January 27.