Romania To Scrap Special Cargo Transport Licenses As Of April 30, 2010 – Draft
Another amendment brought by the act stipulates that, in case of changes in transport routes, the person applying for the special transport license is no longer obliged to ask for a new special license, as a new fee will be calculated depending on the number of kilometers and the type of road.
The special transport licenses are released depending on the type of road – national or county road – by the country’s public roads and highways authority CNADNR, namely its regional offices, or by local authorities.
The fee for the release of the special transport license will no longer be paid at the Romanian Road Authority ARR, but at CNADNR.
Transport Minister Radu Berceanu said in January that he plans to have special transport licenses for undividable goods scrapped soon and has repeatedly blasted drivers who overload their trucks, arguing they damage public roads.