Romanian Constr Mkt 170,000 Workers Short – Official

Publicat: 18 12. 2007, 16:03
Actualizat: 05 11. 2012, 16:19

Romania will need approximately 550,000 construction workers between 2008 and 2009, above the 380,000 workers currently available, ARACO’s president Laurentiu Plosceanu said on the sidelines of a debate on the theme. 

He said a possible solution to lower workforce shortage would be to increase salaries to European levels. Another solution might be to use workers from Asia and from countries in the former Yugoslavia, Plosceanu mentioned.

Late November, Plosceanu announced that the minimum gross salary in the Romanian constructions sector will increase by 27% to 570 lei (EUR1-RON3.5568) per month as of next year.