US, Iraqi, Romanian Govts Working On Iraq Troops Agreement – U.S. Ambassador

Publicat: 27 10. 2008, 14:34
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:06

"It’s a technical issue (…) being worked on by the government of Iraq, the government of Romania and the United States," Taubman said when inquired about Romania’s potential association to an agreement currently under negotiation between the U.S. and Iraq regarding the keeping of troops on Iraqi territory, suggested by Romanian defense minister Teodor Melescanu Saturday.
The option to be chosen in the end “is up to the three parties", Taubman said.
"Each party will do what they think is best. And, frankly, it has to go through the Iraqi parliament,” Taubman added, saying he hopes there will be enough time for this procedure to be finished by the end of the year. 
Romania has been contributing to international efforts to stabilize Iraq since 2003. Romania is currently [participating in peacekeeping efforts in Iraq under the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1790 of 2007, which is valid until December 31, 2008.