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Romanian Senate Bans Advertising For Tobacco Products

Romanian senators enacted Tuesday 45 to two votes and six abstentions the government ordinance banning advertising for tobacco products in written media, event halls and cinemas.
Romanian Senate Bans Advertising For Tobacco Products
15 apr. 2008, 13:12, English
The ordinance amends the law on advertising for tobacco products and bans such advertisements in the written media, event halls, cinemas and banners.
The ordinance also bans advertisements for tobacco products by using tobacco product brands on other products or services unrelated to tobacco products, but allows such advertisements on products used for smoking (lighters, ashtrays, matches).
The ordinance also bans advertising tobacco products by creating, selling or offering for free games or toys that promote smoking, as well as by using tobacco brands or messages that encourage smoking printed on the outside of any vehicle, or on the outside or inside of any means of public transportation.
The ordinance is pending debate in the Chamber of Deputies.