Belgium Could Extend Labor Restrictions For Romanians, Bulgarians – Media

Publicat: 05 12. 2008, 12:23
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:09

Sources within the federal Government told De Tijd, quoted by De Morgen, that the main reason behind this measure is the protection of the Belgian labor market, within the current world economic crisis.

Belgium was one of the EU countries to impose restrictions to Romanian and Bulgarian citizens over a period of two years when the two states acceded to the community bloc  on January 1, 2007. Romanians currently need a labor permit in order to legally work in Belgium.
Two years into the latest EU enlargement, the EU member states can extend these temporary regulations, referring to the access of new EU members to the labor market, for another three years. Later, they can decide to apply these restrictions for another two years – bringing the total timeframe to seven years since Romania’s and Bulgaria’s accessions to the EU.
According to the Government sources quoted by De Tijd, the Council of Ministers in Brussels will decide Friday whether to extend the restrictions until January 1, 2012.
The Belgian Government is not obligated to explain the decision except for a second (and final) extension. However, Government circles keep mentioning the imminent economic recession, which would justify protection measures on the labor market.