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Number Of Romanian Bad Loan Payers Exceeded 600,000 Persons In Jun

The number of bad loan payers with loans overdue by more than 30 days exceeded 600,000 persons in June, according to the data of the Credit Bureau published by the central bank.
Number Of Romanian Bad Loan Payers Exceeded 600,000 Persons In Jun
26 aug. 2009, 12:42, English

The total value of overdue loans reached 1.8 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.2236) in the first half of 2009, double on the year compared with RON702.9 million during the same period a year ago.

The number of natural persons with loans overdue by more than 30 days totaled 602,548 people in the first semester, up 3% on the month and 34% higher from end-December.

On the month in June, the overdue loans by more than 30 days was 6.24% higher, from RON1.72 billion in May.

A number of 30 banks and 12 financial banking institutions provide data to the Credit Bureau.