E.ON, MOL to Develop 40 Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in Romania

Utility company E.ON and Hungarian oil and gas company MOL will develop 40 electric vehicle charging stations in Romania after their NEXT-E project was selected to receive EU funding with recommended co-funding of EUR18.84 million.


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E.ON, MOL to Develop 40 Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in Romania

Under the NEXT-E project, the companies will install a total of 222 standard fast charge stations (50 kW) and 30 ultra-fast charging stations (150-350 kW), creating an essential electrical vehicle charging infrastructure in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Croat, and Romania.

The project will be implemented by a consortium of E.ON group subsidiaries in the six countries, MOL subsidiaries, Hrvatska elekropriveda of Croatia, PETROL of Slovenia and Croatia, Nissan, and BMW.

In Romania, E.ON Energie Romania will install 19 charging stations using EUR1 million non-reimbursable EU funding, while 21 other charging stations will be installed by MOL Romania.

The charging stations will be installed at MOL gas stations and will cover three transport routes: Arad-Bucharest-Constanta, Sebes-Targu Mures-Iasi, and Suceava-Bucharest-Giurgiu.


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