Romanian PM Calls For Romania, Hungary EU Coordinated Strategy In Pwr Field

Publicat: 21 10. 2008, 13:38
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:05

Speaking in the opening of the two governments’ joint session held in Szeged, Tariceanu also pointed out a coordinated development of the road and railway infrastructure between the two countries should be a prerequisite.

"The electric power field has a strategic importance. I stress upon the necessity to coordinate our projects at a European Union level and upon the need for regional solidarity in this field. I appreciate the joint desire to complete as soon as possible the inter-governmental agreement on Nabucco pipeline project," Tariceanu said.

Nabucco pipeline project is aimed to supply natural gas from the Caspian Sea to Central Europe via Turkey and Romania, bypassing Russia.

The pipeline is a project of a consortium lead by Austria’s OMV and is expected to become operational by 2011-2012.

The six companies in the consortium are Austria’s OMV AG (OMV.VI), Hungary’s MOL Nyrt. (MOL.BU), Romania’s Transgaz (TGN.RO), Bulgaria’s Bulgargaz, Turkish BOTAS and Germany’s RWE AG (RWEOY).

All the members of Nabucco consortium have had talks with producers in the Caspian zone to negotiate the gas acquisition but none of them signed a contract yet.