EC Draft Report Notes Problems In Romania’s Justice Sector Due To Magistrates’ Protests

Publicat: 23 03. 2010, 09:39
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:50

The draft report, obtained by MEDIAFAX, shows the appeal procedures used by the High Court of Justice are still not clear and easily accessible, adding judicial authorities are trying to improve these procedures and make them more efficient in the future.

The report hails the High Court of Justice for publishing its rulings and for quarterly posting the cases judged in court, but notes the Jurindex, an online service which offers free access to court rulings, has not been updated since the summer of 2009.

The EC justice report states Romania has failed to solve problems concerning the lack of personnel in the justice sector, adding the protests staged by magistrates in 2009 hindered rulings in several cases and the number of files to be analyzed and solved has grown.

The document mentions the activity of the High Council of Magistrates which took preliminary measures to transfer certain duties to the auxiliary staff to increase the efficiency of procedures and management within courts.

The report also shows Romania improved procedures to recruit judicial inspectors. The process regulating judicial inspections continues, and the High Court of Magistrates vowed to publish starting 2010 all disciplinary decisions, once they are issued.