„Urgent action is needed to accelerate a number of important high-level corruption trials and to prevent their collapse because of reaching statute-barred period. The fight against corruption should remain a top priority, with support from Parliament,” says the report.
„There are several good examples that show an efficient treatment of high-level corruption cases in court and demonstrate how investigations in complex cases can be carried out effectively in the cooperation of different authorities. Strong political support to the fight against corruption by Parliament is crucial in this respect,” says the report.
Also, the Commission notes that, since its last assessment, „Parliament voted against allowing an investigation on corruption charges against one former Minister and current Member of Parliament, vetoed a search in another ongoing investigation and refused the preventive arrest of another Member of Parliament.”
„However, both cases went to trial,” the EC concludes.
The document also points out that „urgent measures should be taken to improve the recovery of proceeds of crime, the pursuit of money laundering and the protection against conflict of interest in the management of public funds.”
The Commission acknowledges that, since its last assessment, in July 2010, „Romania took significant steps to improve judicial efficiency, re-established the legal basis of the National Integrity Agency, continued preparations for the implementation of four new codes, launched preparations for a functional review of the judicial system and carried out an impact analysis of its anti-corruption policy.”
The EC stresses the fact that „continuous commitment over the next period will be necessary to implement the new codes, to take the necessary decisions to further restructure the judicial system, to consolidate the anti-corruption policy and to deliver better results in the confiscation of unjustified assets and in delivering dissuasive sanctions for incompatibilities.”