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Romanian Parliament Committees Thumb Down Proposed Culture Minister

Romania’s Parliament committees for culture on Thursday thumbed down proposed Culture Minister Theodor Paleologu with 23 to 20 votes.
Romanian Parliament Committees Thumb Down Proposed Culture Minister
29 oct. 2009, 16:51, English

Lawmakers in the committees voted 23 to 20 to rebuff Paleologu, who is currently the country’s culture minister in an outgoing government that lost a confidence vote earlier this month.

Prime Minister-designate Lucian Croitoru has proposed a cabinet of 14 democrat liberal and technocratic ministers, which will face a confidence vote in Parliament Wednesday, November 4.

Parliamentary committees hearing the proposed ministers have so far thumbed down all of them except for Vasile Blaga, proposed for development and tourism minister, and Bogdan Aurescu, proposed for foreign minister.