Romanians Believe The Government Pays Insufficient Attention To Their Econ Issues – Poll
The Transatlantic Trends study was presented Monday at the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs by Alina Inayeh, director of Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation within GMF.
Thus, according to the data presented, Romanians overwhelmingly support the withdrawal of Romanian troops from Afghanistan. Also, the poll revealed that all countries believe actions in Afghanistan should focus more on reconstruction and less on increased troop numbers. As for the strategy regarding Iran, most Romanians said they would prefer increased diplomatic pressure without the use of force.
When asked about the adequacy of abandoning policies opposed by Russia, such as the widening of NATO, in exchange for Russian energy supplies, 28.5% of eastern and central Europeans agreed with abandoning the NATO widening. When asked if people lead better life in a market economy, 18% of Romanians agreed.
Also, according to the GMF poll, 12% of Romanians said the government is spending too much money to relaunch the economy, while 71% of Romanians said the financial situations of their families suffered because of the crisis.
Romanians offered the most positive replies when asked if they feel the government is not paying enough attention to their economic problems. Thus, 61% of Romanians said the government pays too little attention to the economic difficulties of citizens.
Some 50% of Romanians said they are preoccupied with climate change, and 71% said individual actions count the most in the fight against climate change.
The study also revealed that in Europe, support for Turkey’s accession to the EU keeps decreasing, from 30% in 2004 to 19% at the moment. Romanians are the widest supporters of Turkey’s accession.