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Romanian Govt Groups Trade Registry Fees Into Fewer Categories

The Romanian executive on Wednesday decided to group registration fees for companies that enroll in the country’s Trade Registry, in a move to simplify administrative procedures and reduce taxes.
Romanian Govt Groups Trade Registry Fees Into Fewer Categories
15 iul. 2009, 19:25, English

In addition, the executive also cut some of the fees charged by the Registry, including fees for issuing synthetic charts of foreign investments or providing information on yearly financial reports of companies.
The tariffs will see further cuts based on the number of companies included in the application. For example, tariffs for issuing information on a number of companies between 101 and 500 will be 10% lower, the ones for a number of companies between 501 and 1,000 will be 20% lower, while tariffs for information regarding over 10,000 companies will be cut to half.
Public information released to the media will be free of charge, provided the data is not used for commercial purposes, according to the government decision.
The Romanian authorities announced in June that 189 out of total 491 public tariffs and fees will be cancelled, cut or grouped.