Eight Romanian Parties Submitted EP Candidate Lists

Four Romanian parties standing in the European Parliament – PSD, in an alliance with PC, PDL, PNL and UDMR -, as well as four parties without representation in the EP – PRM, the Ecologist Party, the Green Party and PNTCD -, have submitted their candidate lists to the Central Electoral Office.


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Eight Romanian Parties Submitted EP Candidate Lists

The parties are PSD (Social Democrat Party), PC (Conservative Party), PNL (Liberal Party), UDMR (Hungarian Minority Democratic Party), PRM (Greater Romania Party), the Ecologist Party, the Green Party and PNTCD (Peasant’s Christian Democratic Party).

Central Electoral Office (BEC) spokesman Marian Muhulet told MEDIAFAX Thursday that three independent candidates have also submitted their candidacy: Elena Basescu, Mihaela Mihai and Pavel Abraham.

He stated that, so far, BEC has accepted the lists put forward by UDMR, PNL and PDL and independent candidate Elena Basescu. Muhulet said the three parties each presented complete lists of 43 candidates.

BEC will analyze and decide on the rest of the lists and independent runners in the coming days. According to law, the Office must accept or reject a candidacy within five days of its application. Muhulet stated that anyone can contest the accepted candidacies at the Court of Bucharest, as late as April 23.

The disputes will be settled within 24 hours and, as of April 29, all candidacies will be considered final.

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