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Renault Technologie Roumanie Mulls Employing 500 People

Renault engineering center called Renault Technologie Roumanie mulls employing 500 people in 2008 via recruitment forums.
Renault Technologie Roumanie Mulls Employing 500 People
02 apr. 2008, 13:29, English
This year’s second recruitment forum will be organized Saturday in Romania’s southeastern city of Galati and mainly targets engineers and technicians.
The first such forum took place in February in Romania’s southern city of Ploiesti.
Similar events will also be organized in capital city Bucharest in May, in northeastern city of Iasi in June, in eastern city of Bacau in September and once again in Bucharest in November.

Renault Technologie Roumanie employed 700 people in 2007 and targets other 500 employees in 2008, while late 2009, the company will have nearly 3,000 employees.