Employees Of Romania Daewoo Mangalia Shipyard End Strike After Nearly 6 Weeks

Employees of Romania’s Daewoo Mangalia Heavy Industries (DMHI) shipyard went back to work Friday after nearly six weeks of strike over a new collective work contract and higher pay


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Employees Of Romania Daewoo Mangalia Shipyard End Strike After Nearly 6 Weeks

Union leader Florian Marin said an agreement has been reached and a new collective work contract valid until end-2011 has been signed. However, shipyard employees didn't get the 300 lei (EUR1=RON4.2960) raise they had demanded.

"This (a new collective work contract) was our main demand, besides a RON300 wage raise, and we got it," the union leader said.

About 1,000 shipyard employees, a third of the company's staff, went on full-blown strike on October 11.

"We did get a wage raise of RON40 as of July 15, 2010 and another RON40 as of January 1, 2011. Also, the new collective work contract sets incentives, bonuses, severance pay and other benefits," Marin said.

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