Enel Romania Appoints Radu Cosarca As External Relations Manager

Romanian former journalist Radu Cosarca was appointed manager in charge with external relations at Enel Romania, the local subsidiary of Italian utilities group Enel, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX Wednesday, information confirmed afterward by Enel Romania.


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Enel Romania Appoints Radu Cosarca As External Relations Manager

Cosarca will take over his new position in September, the sources said.

Enel Romania told MEDIAFAX that Cosarca will be employed as of September, but will officially take over the position by the end of the fall, after a training period. Meanwhile, Paolo Chighine, the current external relations manager, will continue to run the respective department.

Previously, Cosarca worked with several Romanian television stations, including National TV, TVR and Antena 1, and he is a former member of Romanian audiovisual regulator CNA.

Enel holds in Romania three former branches of state-owned electricity distributor Electrica, namely Muntenia Sud, Banat and Dobrogea. The company operates over 93,000 km of power grids.

The group has over 2.56 million consumers nationwide. Revenues reached EUR850 million last year, while EBITDA stood at EUR154 million.

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