Energy Ministry Announces End Of Miner Strike In Most CE Oltenia Quarries

Romania’s Energy Ministry announced on Thursday afternoon that miners were going to end the strike at the Oltenia Energy Complex (CE Oltenia), following three-way negotiations between the ministry, company management and unions.


Imaginea articolului Energy Ministry Announces End Of Miner Strike In Most CE Oltenia Quarries

Energy Ministry Announces End Of Miner Strike In Most CE Oltenia Quarries

According to the ministry, activity in the Rosia, Rovinari, Tismana, Jilt Nord, Jilt Sud, Lupoaia and Husnicioara quarries will resume on Thursday evening, while miners at three other quarries are currently discussing the results of Thursday’s negotiations.

Following the negotiations, CE Oltenia’s active personnel will receive net wage raises of between RON292 and RON585, vacation vouchers worth RON1450 and Easter bonuses worth RON330.

The company’s management also committed not to sanction the employees who protested during the last week, on the condition that they recover the lost work time, according to manager Sorin Boza.

Miner strikes started last week due to the discontent with the institution’s announced budget for 2019, which froze worker salaries and cut benefits such as vacation vouchers. The movement quickly engulfed all CE Oltenia quarries by Monday, with thousands of employees refusing to work until the situation is clarified. Five protesters also went on hunger strike on Tuesday afternoon.

The strike led to Romania temporarily importing over 1,400 MW, the equivalent of its nuclear power plant output, due to the shutdown of one CE Oltenia thermal power unit.

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