Marcel Vela: No emergency decrees will be issued during the state of alert
„The alert state is a transit to the normal state. (…) No emergency ordinances will be issued during the alert state. During the alert period, as I said, it will be declared by the National Committee for Special Emergency Situations and the alert status will be managed by this committee which analyzes the proposals of a technical group which in turn will analyze situations in the field. (…) All sanctioning decisions are to be decided at that time by the National Committee for Special Emergency Situations (…) It depends on each of us, on each citizen how responsible we are, because this virus does not rest and nor does it relax from May 15. (…) Some of the masks will be provided free of charge by the Romanian Government for people who do not have the possibility to purchase masks”, said Marcel Vela, on Monday, on Antena 3.
President Klaus Iohannis said on Monday that he will not issue a decree to extend the state of emergency, and Romania will go on alert from May 15.