EU Justice Commissioner: Romania Must Overcome Crisis And Ensure Judicial Independence
“Romanian leaders must overcome the current judicial crisis and guarantee judicial independence,” the EU Commissioner stated on Friday, according to APA news agency.
The commissioner added that it is essential for the country to continue its fight against corruption, and expressed hope that the situation in Romania will improve before it takes over the EU Council presidency on January 1, 2019.
The European Parliament is set to vote on a resolution regarding the state of the rule of law in Romania, in its November 14 plenary meeting, according to the institution’s latest schedule project.
According to the project, a motion on passing the resolution is scheduled for the plenary meeting on November 14, between 12.30 and 14.30.
This follows debates which took place at the beginning of October, during which the EU high officials warned Romanian authorities that they will take measures to prevent the country from regressing in the matters of rule of law and fight against corruption.