EU Parliament To Pass Non-Binding Resolution On Romania And Bulgaria Schengen Area Access

The European Parliament is discussing on Monday a new non-binding resolution regarding Romania’s and Bulgaria’s access to the Schengen Area, with a vote on the initiative scheduled for Tuesday.


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EU Parliament To Pass Non-Binding Resolution On Romania And Bulgaria Schengen Area Access

The Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) previously passed a report with arguments in favor of the two countries’ accession to the free movement area.

The resolution is non-binding and will recommend the EU Council to take a rapid and positive decision in order to allow the two states’ access to the Schengen Area.

The Parliament voted in support of the Schengen Area extension in June 2011 and has restated this position several times since, acknowledging that the two states have already partially applied Schengen rules

The final decision must be taken unanimously by the EU member states.

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