Eurobarometer: Romanians Are Worried Of Electoral Fraud At MEP Elections, Want Younger Candidates

Romanians are among the most worried EU citizens when it comes to electoral fraud and want a different profile for candidates at the upcoming MEP elections, according to a recent eurobarometer.


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Eurobarometer: Romanians Are Worried Of Electoral Fraud At MEP Elections, Want Younger Candidates

According to the study, 70% of Romanian respondents were concerned with manipulation of the election’s final results, compared to the 56% average throughout all member states. At the same time, 68% are concerned with votes being bought, while 66% believe there is a high chance of people casting illegal votes or being compelled to vote in a certain manner.

42% of Romanian responders also wish for younger candidates and for better information regarding the EU and its impact pm their lives.

The research regarding democracy and elections was comprised out of more than 27.000 direct interviews with respondents from the EU’s 28 member states.


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