European Commission Vice-President Criticizes The State Of Rule Of Law In Romania

The EU’s Commissioner for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness, Jyrki Katainen, included Romania in the list of countries which have problems with the rule of law in an interview on Wednesday.


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European Commission Vice-President Criticizes The State Of Rule Of Law In Romania

Katainen, who is also a commission vice-president, said that the situations regarding the rule of law in Hungary, Poland and Romania are some of the problems the EU is facing.

The Finnish official said that the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union is the number one problem the bloc is facing at the moment.

“But there also the evolutions regarding the rule of law in Poland and Hungary, and unfortunately now also in Romania,” said Katainen, according to Austrian news agency APA.

Among other challenges the EU is currently facing, the commissioner noted the attitude of Russia, the conflict in Eastern Ukraine and the commercial crisis between the US and China.

However, he praised the situation of investments in the European Union, mentioning that they totaled EUR371.2 billion.


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