European Elections Central Electoral Bureau Challenged at Constitutional Court

The chairman of Romanian opposition party PMP, Eugen Tomac, announced on Thursday that the country’s Supreme Court forwarded a challenge made by the group against the establishment of the Central Electoral Bureau (BEC) for the upcoming European Elections to the Constitutional Court.


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European Elections Central Electoral Bureau Challenged at Constitutional Court

The party was not given a spot in the electoral body, despite the fact that it won two MEP terms at the previous EU elections in 2014, because both of its MEPs have since left the group.

Eugen Tomac accused the ruling PSD-ALDE coalition and Hungarian minority party UDMR of deliberately refusing the party a representative, stating his belief that constitutional judges will annul the electoral authority’s composition.

“PMP will prove that it was the victim of political machinations commanded by Liviu Dragnea (PSD chairman, ed.), who does not want democratic elections in Romania and wants to instate a dictatorship and take the right of Romanians to choose their European Parliament representatives correctly,” Tomac wrote on his official Facebook page.

The European elections BEC was formed last Sunday and is comprised out of the chairman and deputy chairman of the country’s Permanent Electoral Authority, eight representatives of political parties with presence in the European Parliament and five judges.

European Parliament elections are scheduled to take place on May 26 in Romania.

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