Romanian President Attends Reunion Of Local, County Council Heads

Publicat: 28 03. 2009, 14:25
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:16
The reunion, organized by the National Union of County Councils in Romania (UNCJR), which is run by social-democrat Liviu Dragnea, focuses on decentralization measures targeting local authorities.
During his speech, Basescu also referred to the controversial issue of physical education classes in the pre-university system and stressed he would ask the country’s Health Ministry to make a stand on the matter.     
Basescu also said that 30 classes per week, namely six classes per day, is way too much for a young student and pointed out that two of the six classes should be used to help students do their homework, while assisted by teachers. 
The head of state also touched core issues targeting the local healthcare system and highlighted that Romanian hospitals, unlike hospitals in other European countries, lack essential procedures. He pointed out that county council officials must work on solid healthcare management programs and thoroughly train people for management positions in view of transferring hospitals into the administration of local authorities.
Basescu also told the representatives of local authorities that they should get ready to administrate local schools, hospitals and agricultural divisions, which, he added, should offer counseling to farmers.