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Bucharest Mayor Terminates Historical Center Rehabilitation Contract With Sedesa Co

Bucharest general mayor Sorin Oprescu said Thursday he has terminated the contract with Spanish company Sedesa, the contractor for rehabilitation works in Bucharest’s historical center, and a public auction will be organized for the remaining ten streets of the center that need rehabilitation.
Bucharest Mayor Terminates Historical Center Rehabilitation Contract With Sedesa Co
22 oct. 2009, 13:55, English

„Sedesa will finish the rehabilitation of the four streets it has been working on in the last four years and for which EUR750,000 were allotted,” Oprescu said.

Oprescu added public auctions will be organized for the remaining ten streets of the capital’s historical center that need rehabilitation. The rehabilitation works of the four streets for which Sedesa maintained the contract will be continued by a subcontractor.

Oprescu visited the historical center in September together with a team of architects and experts who worked on the rehabilitation of the central Romanian city of Sibiu, in view of subcontracting works in Bucharest.

Oprescu said Sedesa, the contractor for the works in Bucharest, was not observing datelines set in the contract, adding there would come a time when the contract would be terminated. The mayor said the company rehabilitated only four streets out of fourteen and he is unhappy with the work pace.

Late July, Oprescu and the representatives of Sedesa signed an additional act to the contract for rehabilitation works of the historical center which stipulated works must be accelerated.

Works to rehabilitate the Romanian capital’s historical center started in December 2006, but met with delays after the discovery of archeological sites in the area dating from medieval times.