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European Parliament To Launch Journalism Prize

The European Parliament will launch the Journalism Prize this year, for the first time, to honor the professionals in the field of mass media whose reports and articles, published during May 1, 2007- April 30, 2008, raise awareness on the workings and policies of the EU.
European Parliament To Launch Journalism Prize
17 mart. 2008, 20:58, English
The prize will be awarded for four categories of print, radio, TV and internet journalism and the winners will each receive €5,000.
Journalists who are nationals or residents of a European Union country are eligible and a maximum of five people may work on reports and articles that may be entered for the competition. Articles and reports must have been published during the aforementioned period in one of the European Union’s official languages.  
The competition will be judged in two stages: a "shortlist" jury in each country, made up of journalists, will look at the entries from their own nationals and choose the best entries, while the “award jury” will be made up of three MEPs and six journalists will look at all the remaining entries from around Europe and choose four winners.
The entries can be submitted between 15 March and 15 May, while the website f gives all the details of how to enter the European Parliament’s Journalism Prize as well as all the rules.
The Journalism Prize will be awarded in October 2008.