EXCLUSIVE: Amended Romanian Labor Code Disallows Contract Suspension As Punishment
The draft act amending Romania's Labor Code repeals a provision whereby employee disciplinary infractions can be punished by suspending the individual work contract for up to 10 business days.
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EXCLUSIVE: Amended Romanian Labor Code Disallows Contract Suspension As Punishment
The document, obtained by MEDIAFAX, eliminates suspension from the employer's choices of punishment for a disciplinary infraction committed by an employee. The other penalties include a written warning, demotion together with salary reduction for up to 60 days, a salary reduction by 5-10% for one-three months, salary and/or management indemnity reduction for the same period, or individual work contract termination.
Special laws may provide different penalties for specific professions.
The employer may order disciplinary action through a written decision issued within 30 days of taking notice of the infraction and no later than six months after it was committed.
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