EXCLUSIVE: Romanian Agriculture Minister Mihail Dumitru To Be Replaced

Romanian Agriculture Minister Mihail Dumitru told MEDIAFAX on Thursday that he was invited by Prime Minister Emil Boc to the Government’s headquarters and informed he is among the ministers to be replaced.


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EXCLUSIVE: Romanian Agriculture Minister Mihail Dumitru To Be Replaced

"I was called in to Victoria Palace. Mr. Boc informed me I am on the list of ministers to be replaced and thanked me for the collaboration. I did not resign, I had no written resignation letter. I said goodbye and told the prime minister that my experience as a member of the Cabient was interesting and expressed my hope we would meet and collaborate in the future, with myself, of course, in a different position," Dumitru told MEDIAFAX.

The ministers Radu Berceanu (Transport), Sebastian Vladescu (Finance), Mihai Seitan (Labor) and Mihail Dumitru (Agriculture) had separate discussions Thursday with Boc, before the meeting of the Democratic Liberal Party's leaders, which will decide on the Cabinet reshuffle.

Romanian President Traian Basescu also discussed the reshuffle with Boc Thursday morning.

Some of those who are said to replace Dumitru as Agriculture Minister are democrat liberal Valeriu Tabara, who has held this position in the past, and state secretary Adrian Radulescu, from the National Union for the Progress of Romania.

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