Orban announces he will send the government’s program and list of ministers to Parliament on Monday

Publicat: 07 02. 2020, 18:42
Actualizat: 07 02. 2020, 18:44

„On Monday, we submit the updated government program with the ministers. Monday at 10.00, we will have a meeting in the National Political Bureau and we will submit the updated program and the members of the government to the vote of the colleagues. (…) Let’s eliminate the procedural boycott the PSD wants”, Orban said in Balş.

Klaus Iohannis on Thursday nominated Ludovic Orban for the position of prime minister, one day after he had been toppled in a no-confidence motion.

The appointed prime minister Orban is to come before the parliamentarians for the vote of confidence and the formation of a new Cabinet.

In accordance with the rules of the Chambers, within 15 days from the presentation of the list the Parliament must schedule the plenary in which the investment vote is given.