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Half Of Romanian Cos With Over 50 Employees Resorted To Layoffs In ’09 – Survey

More than half of Romanian companies with over 50 employees resorted to layoffs in 2009 to cut costs, due to the economic crisis, according to a survey conducted by market researcher Mercury Research.
Half Of Romanian Cos With Over 50 Employees Resorted To Layoffs In ’09 – Survey
07 iul. 2009, 14:17, English

The analysis was drawn up in April on 200 companies, split into three categories: large companies, with over 50 employees, medium-sized companies, employing 10 to 49 people, and small companies, with less than 10 employees.

As regards the small- and medium-sized companies analyzed, just around 25% of them laid off people in 2009, according to the survey.

According to Mercury Research, some of the measures taken by the companies to better deal with the crisis were dismissing employees, freezing salaries, reducing or blocking budgets for investments, team building activities or other bonuses.

The study showed that 52% of the interviewed large companies laid off employees in 2009, compared with 24% of the medium-sized firms and 23% of the companies employing 3 to 9 people.

In exchange, 20% of the large companies with over 50 employees and 40% of the ones employing 10 to 49 people decided not cu cut back on staff. The most passive companies were the very small ones, with 1-2 employees, as 62% of them preferred not to apply any anti-crisis measure.

For 2009, about 72% of the companies estimate their number of employees will remain the same as a year earlier, and 16% of them are expecting an increase in staff.

About 13% of the companies polled consider their number of employees will drop in 2009.

As regards salaries, 21% of the interviewed companies said they have frozen their salary budgets.

Independent market researcher Mercury Research has been activating on the Romanian market for 17 years.