Schools In Romania To Be Run By Parents, Teachers, Local Authorities – Official

Publicat: 13 09. 2009, 17:04
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:29

Toader stressed that the managing board would also organize the contest needed to fill the position of school principal, adding that the principal would keep close contact with the school administration and the school inspectorate.

According to Toader, the members of the ruling coalition also agreed on wages in the local public administration, for all positions, from general mayor to local mayors, mayors of villages countrywide, vice-presidents and presidents of county councils.

Romania’s draft Code of Education stipulates that the school’s managing board will include 50% teachers and 50% parents and local authorities, without stipulating the exact percentage for the last two parties.

The representatives of the ruling coalition met Saturday evening, at the Government headquarters, to discuss all amendments to the draft law regulating wages across the public sector.