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Man Ripped To Pieces By Bear In Central Romania

The dead body of a man, supposedly ripped to pieces by a bear, was found Friday morning, around 9:00 local time, on an alley in the central Romanian city of Brasov.
Man Ripped To Pieces By Bear In Central Romania
01 aug. 2008, 11:02, English
Police officers have not established the identity of the man yet, as they found no identity card whatsoever.
Investigators took the body to the Brasov Forensic Institute for an autopsy.
Brasov mayor George Scripcaru said the Tampa forest, located near the area where the dead body was found, currently hosts 45 bears and experts say only 20 bears should live here.
Scripcaru said he informed the officials of the Ministry of Environment on this situation, adding nothing has been done so far in this respect.