Tăriceanu: I think the ruling officials do not tell the whole truth about the crisis we are in
ALDE president Călin Popescu Tăriceanu claims that the rulers „cosmetisize reality” in an attempt to save time.
„I think the ruling officials took the decision not to tell us the whole truth about the crisis we are in. Maybe they did it with good intentions, not to create panic, but I think that shouldn’t be their decision. (…) I believe that Romanians deserve to know all the truth no matter how hard it might be. I believe that transparency builds trust between citizens and authorities. Stop issuing military orders at midnight because the Tatars did not enter the country. Be honest with us and tell us what you can and can’t do! And the Romanians will be with you!”, the ALDE leader wrote on Facebook.
For his part, Eugen Tomac, the PMP president, a party that participates in the government at the level of secretaries of state, also had a request addressed to the Executive, namely the urgent creation of an online portal on which to display, in real time, detailed information on persons in isolation, quarantine, infected with Covid-19 and deceased – at county, locality, street or neighborhood level.
„Citizens have the right to know, in real time, what is the number of infected persons in the community in which they live, in order to take even more drastic protective measures in advance. I believe that, these days, transparency and information transmitted in real time and accurately can help save lives”, the PMP leader posted on Facebook.