Romanian Foreign Ministry To Inform Nationals Abroad On Voting Procedure For Parliament Elections

Publicat: 04 10. 2008, 13:36
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:04

Romanians will be allowed to vote in the European Union if they present their identification card and a document issued by the country of residence, and outside the European Union only if they show their passport.

Voting is not allowed based on travel sheet, according to law no. 35/2008.

The law stipulates the existence of four constituencies for the Chamber of Deputies and two for the Senate.

The Foreign Ministry warns Romanian citizens abroad that they will not be allowed to vote in the upcoming elections on November 30 unless they prove their residency in the respective country.

"Residency will have to be proven by documents issued by the local authorities in the country of residence. The ministry has already initiated procedures with diplomatic missions to identify the necessary documents in each state that will have polling stations, and will make them public in due time,” Boiangiu said.

"Romanian citizens need to have valid identification documents in order to vote. The ministry recommends all Romanian citizens who have expired documents, or have lost them, to change them or make new ones in due time,” he added.

Romanian citizens who leave their country of residence for tourism or business purposes on election day will not be able to vote, he said.

The Foreign Ministry will start a campaign to inform the Romanian citizens outside Romania on the new uninominal voting procedure.

The ministry opened on October 2 the section on the coming parliamentary elections on its website, available at

The ministry also said it started preparations to set up polling stations abroad.