E.ON Romania Head Blasts Local Mkt’s Flawed Competition, Regulation

Publicat: 29 09. 2010, 13:23
Actualizat: 05 06. 2020, 05:00

The company official went on saying investors cannot be drawn in by a market that isn’t free, and which requires EUR10 billion investment on the energy segment.

Furthermore, things have changed over the past two years, and now Romania is in a losing competition with other states as regards the energy projects.

Energy regulator ANRE, in Hajdinjak’s view, has lost its political independence and makes decisions based solely on social criteria.

Referring to the local Government’s intention to cluster the bulk of state-owned power producers into two national giants, the E.ON official said this action could lead to excessive concentration in the market, since the two companies will destroy competition by engulfing over 90% of the market.