These restrictions could be applied through a bill drafted by the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism.
The list of restricted locations includes natural landmarks, parks and nature reserves, public bodies, „except ads informing on the activity performed inside,” trees, on roadways, artistic and historical monuments, cemeteries, churches and public gardens, intersections, roundabouts, underground and overhead passages, the lower part of bridges, or poles supporting road signs.
Buildings „in an advanced state of deterioration” will also be off-limits to advertising meshes or banners, but only if the buildings’ stability and the integrity of their elements are threatened by the ads.
Local authorities will have a series of new obligations once the bill enters force. They will be required to decide where advertising signs can be placed and the rules binding those locations’ owners. Authorities will also have to install panels „destined for the display of advertising and classifieds,” to be cleaned weekly by a specialized department, ensuring that the ads are up to date.
The bill controls the conditions under which each type of outdoor ad may be installed and also refers to advertising vehicles, which must drive along a route chosen beforehand by the local authority.
The fines for failing to abide by these provisions range from 500 lei (EUR1=RON4.2997), the minimum for a natural person, to RON50,000, the maximum fine for a company. A mayor found in violation of the obligations resulting from this bill may also be fined between RON10,000 and RON15,000.