Romanian Social Dem Leader Doesn’t Exclude Diff Majority If He Becomes President

Publicat: 07 04. 2009, 11:10
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:17

Geoana said that if he becomes president, he will reconsider the current governing alliance formed of democrat liberals and social democrats taking into account the country’s social and economic situation, which doesn’t exclude options to form other political alliances to gain majority in Parliament.
Asked what would happen to the current ruling coalition after presidential elections, Geoana said the current majority has potential to continue to govern the country, but the realities of that time cannot exclude other options for a majority. The Social Democratic Party and the Democratic Liberal Party currently have a 70% majority in Parliament.
"It (the coalition – e.n.) has the potential to continue, to do its duty. I think the result of presidential elections is more important than who is prime minister or who has majority in Parliament. I think Romania’s future president will have a lot of things to do,” Geoana said.