Ferrari Buys Steel Pipes From Romania To Build New Headquarters

Italy’s Ferrari SpA will purchase 3,000 tons of steel pipes to build new headquarters from Romanian ArcelorMittal Iasi.

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Ferrari Buys Steel Pipes From Romania To Build New Headquarters

“The deal was signed early November and will be completed in December,” union leader Constantin Rotaru said Friday.

The contract is worth EUR1.8 million.

The representatives of ArcelorMittal Iasi could not be reached for comments.

ArcelorMittal Iasi reported revenues of EUR34.1 million in the first half of the year, down 7.4% on year. The company posted losses of EUR776,140.

ArcelorMittal, the world's largest steelmaker, owns three other plants in Romania, in Galati, Roman and Hunedoara cities, as well as the port operator Romportmet Galati.

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