„Romania has two months to comply with the reasoned opinion, failing which the Commission may refer Romania to the EU’s Court of Justice,” the Commission said in a press release Thursday.
EU Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik said the Birds Directive is a key element in EU nature legislation and therefore urges Romania „to bring their legislation into line with EU law.”
The Commission is sending Romania a reasoned opinion for its failure to comply with EU legislation on hunting birds, as the hunting periods established in Romanian legislation do not ensure the full protection regime as required by the directive.
The Birds Directive is the EU’s oldest piece of nature legislation and one of the most important, creating a comprehensive protection scheme for all wild bird species that occur naturally inside the Union.
The areas covered by the Directive make up part of Natura 2000, the EU’s network of protected natural zones.
The Directive recognizes hunting as a legitimate activity and provides a comprehensive system for the management of hunting to ensure that this practice is sustainable. This includes a requirement to ensure that birds are not hunted during the periods of their greatest vulnerability, such as the return migration to the nesting areas, reproduction and the raising of chicks.