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Romania Allows Pension-Wage Cumulus For Pensioners With Income Lower Than RON1,693

Public institutions in Romania willing to hire pensioners with income higher than 1,693 lei (EUR1=RON4.2198), namely, the threshold recently set by the government for the cumulation of pensions and wages in the public sector, will be fined RON2,500 to RON5,000.
Romania Allows Pension-Wage Cumulus For Pensioners With Income Lower Than RON1,693
02 apr. 2009, 18:01, English

People whose pensions exceed the aforementioned threshold will have to choose between pension and wage within 60 days at the most.
The 60-day deadline will be calculated since the coming into force of the draft law regulating cumulated pensions and wages, which is pending approval from the Parliament.
The government decided in its meeting Wednesday to allow the cumulation of pensions with salaries in the public sector only for people whose pensions do not exceed the average gross wage.
According to the country’s Prognosis Commission CNP, the average gross wage is seen at RON1,693 in 2009 and RON1832 in 2010.