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Fifteen cars of a freight train derailed in Olt County. Railway traffic is stopped

The railway traffic is stopped on Line 900, between Stoeneşti and Drăgăneşti-Olt, in Olt county, after a 37 cars freight train loaded with cereals derailed during the night. Three passenger trains were cancelled.
Fifteen cars of a freight train derailed in Olt County. Railway traffic is stopped

According to Infotrafic, the freight train was traveling on the Craiova – Bucharest Nord route and it had 37 wagons loaded with cereals, of which 15 derailed.

Five wagons were also reversed on the other side of the line, that’s why the rail traffic is interrupted in both directions.

„The event did not result in injured persons, but the material damages are significant to the railway infrastructure”, Infotrafic has stated.

CFR SA spokesman Oana Brânzan said that the railway traffic between Fărcaşele and Dragăneşti Olt stations was closed during the night due to the derailment of a private freight liner.

“The freight train belongs to the private operator Constantin Grup and had 37 wagons loaded with cereals. In order to ensure the continuity of the railway traffic on Bucharest – Craiova route, the representatives of CF Craiova Regional Office ensure the transhipment of passengers by means of vehicles between Drăgăneşti Olt – Caracal stations”, said Brânzan.

The trains IR 1591, IR 1594 and IR 1591, which were passing through the derailment area, were cancelled Monday morning, and the passengers were taken by trains IR 1822, IR 1696 and 72-1, redirected on the bypass route through Caracal – Piatra Olt – Goleşti – Bucharest Nord (and return).

The causes of the derailment will be determined by a specialized commission.