The monthly growth was supported mainly by a 0.6% increase in the manufacturing industry, the National Institute of Statistics said. It said sales in the mining industry were down 1% on the month in October.
By sector, capital goods sales rose 6.1% on the month in October, while sales in the durable goods sector were up 2%. Intermediate goods sales increased by 1.4% in October compared with September.
Sales in the energy and consumer goods sectors fell 7.5% and 2.4% on the month in October, respectively.
In January to October, Romanian industrial sales declined 16.7% on the year, driven mainly by 16.9% lower sales in the manufacturing industry.
In the energy sector, industrial sales fell 31.5% on the year in January-October, while sales in the intermediate goods sector were down 26.3% year-on-year. Sales in the durable goods sector dropped 20.2% on the year, while consumer goods sales decreased by 9.2%.
Sales in the capital goods sector, however, inched up 0.4% on the year in the first ten months.