Finance Minister To Attend Talks With Municipality Mayors On State Budget

Romanian Finance Minister Eugen Teodorovici will meet on Tuesday with mayors of the country’s municipalities following the latters’ request to discuss the 2019 budget, political sources told MEDIAFAX.


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Finance Minister To Attend Talks With Municipality Mayors On State Budget

While the mayors also requested a meeting with Prime Minister Viorica Dancila, the chief of cabinet will not take part in the talks, according to the aforementioned sources.

The mayors are discontent with the fact that their requests for talks regarding the 2019 budget were ignored, both in the second half of last year and during the current month.

In a letter sent to the Government, the Association of Romanian Municipalities (AMR) accused that the draft budget for 2019 was not subjected to debate, adding that they found out from the press that it will be passed by Thursday.

“It is for the first time in AMR history when our requests for dialogue with Romanian Government, on issues directly regarding the functioning of public local administration are refused, so that none of our requests were answered,” the association stated in its letter.

The prime minister’s economic counsellor, Darius Valcov, previously announced that budget project would be made available for public debate on Tuesday, with another ruling coalition meeting on the subject to take place on Monday.

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