Financial Analysts See Leu Falling to 4.82 Units vs Euro in 12 Months, Inflation at 4.05%

Seven out of ten analysts expect the Romanian leu to depreciate to an average 4.8262 lei to the euro over the next 12 months, while inflation is seen averaging 4.05% over the same horizon.


Imaginea articolului Financial Analysts See Leu  Falling to 4.82 Units vs Euro in 12 Months, Inflation at 4.05%

Financial Analysts See Leu Falling to 4.82 Units vs Euro in 12 Months, Inflation at 4.05%

Financial analysts’ confidence in Romania’s economy declined 0.6 points in June compared with May, to 50.9 points total, and they see the leu depreciating and inflation rising, according to the macroeconomic confidence index measured by CFA Romania.

Compared with June 2018, the confidence indicator grew 7.2 points in June.

The current conditions index grew 2.2 points on the month in June (declined 1.4 points on the year), to 60.5 points.

The expectations index declined 2, points on the month (grew 11.4 points on the year), to 46.1 points.

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