Finland Unsuccesfully Proposed Romania To Take Over Upcoming EU Council Presidency

Finland proposed Romania to take over the upcoming EU Council presidency for the first half of 2019, in the context of political turmoil in the country, but the offer was rejected by authorities in Bucharest, according to Finnish PM Juha Sipila.


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Finland Unsuccesfully Proposed Romania To Take Over Upcoming EU Council Presidency

The Finnish chief of cabinet stated on Tuesday that the Romanian Government confirmed it will take over the EU Council Presidency starting with January 2019, according to news agency STT. Finland is currently due to take over the presidency in the second half of next year.

The offer comes in the context of political strife on the subject, with President Klaus Iohannis stating on Monday that Romania is not ready to take over the council leadership, following the sudden resignation of former European Affairs Minister Victor Negrescu.

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila responded on Tuesday by urging the president to “abstain” from such statements and declared that the country is on track with preparations for the presidency.

Diplomat George Ciamba was appointed on Tuesday evening as the country’s new European Affairs minister, less than two months before it is set to take over the presidency.


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