Union leaders said in a press release that education unionists will stage protests on April 22, adding they also called on teachers to boycott national exams.
Education unionists argued the money allotted for staff spending in 2010 is not enough. They also voiced dissatisfaction over layoffs that target 15,000 jobs in the pre-university sector, after about 18,000 jobs were cut last year.
Unionists are also disgruntled that the Government ceased to finance investments started in the previous years.
Education unionists complain that their salaries were reduced considerably after certain wage bonuses stipulated in collective work contracts and granted legally were eliminated starting January 2010.
Unionists said the Education Ministry turned a blind eye on the problems they pointed out, and refused to hold efficient talks with unionists.
Unionists analyzed the results of the discussions with the representatives of the Government and the Education Ministry over the salary system and the draft education law sent to Parliament for approval.
According to the press release, education unionists will set meetings with students and their parents to present them with the situation that triggered protests and ask for their support in solving the problems the education sector is faced with.
The Governemnt on Monday passed the country’s new education bill, which has been sent to Parliament for debates and approval.