Romanian Govt To Reduce No Of Hospital Beds, Hospital Manager Jobs

Publicat: 02 06. 2010, 16:14
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:58

The minister said hospitals will have at most three managers, considering some hospitals currently have as many as ten manager positions. He also highlighted that hospitals countrywide were decentralized to be administered by local public authorities.

According to Cseke, the Health Ministry will keep 62 healthcare units of national interest, namely public institutes, several regional emergency hospitals and certain hospitals with single areas of activity.

The normative act adopted by the Government states that hospitals’ salary budgets will also be limited. The minister said a maximum 70% of hospitals’ budgets would be allotted to pay salaries, adding the measure will also be applied to hospitals that will continue to be administered by the Health Ministry.

The state will also continue to grant financial aid for the purchase of medical equipment, provided local authorities also co-finance the investments.

An official document obtained and presented by MEDIAFAX two weeks ago stated the Government planned to lay off, starting August, about 1,100 employees of the units subordinated to the Health Ministry, out of 7,872 jobs financed by the state budget.